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The Time Queen Co., Ltd. COVID-19 Policy

The Time Queen Co., Ltd. COVID-19 Policy
As of 17th October 2021

During the Covid-19 situation, The Time Queen Co., Ltd. will need to ensure that we are meeting our duty of care to our staff, volunteers, visitors and service users.

During this time, The Time Queen Co., Ltd. aims to:
-Encourage staff and interns to carry on as normal, if they are well
-Take additional precautions to protect them from exposure to infections
-Lessen the risk of spreading the virus to others

We also aim to:
-Keep core business, activities and services going where it is practical to do so
-Operate within our usual policies, procedures and guidance
-Recognise that we may need to be temporarily flexible with our normal policies and procedures to help staff and volunteers manage during the Covid-19 situation

Additional Hygiene
This is where you say what you will do in addition to your normal cleaning and hygiene routines. Staff will be reminded and encouraged to follow Department of Disease Control general precautions:
-Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue or your sleeve (not your hands) when you cough or sneeze: catch it, bin it, kill it!
-Put used tissues in the bin straight away
-Wash your hands with soap and water often – use hand sanitiser gel if soap and water are not available.
-Try to avoid close contact with people who are unwell
-Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces
-Do not touch your eyes, nose or mouth if your hands are not clean
Face to face meetings
-Travel should be avoided unless absolutely essential, especially if the journey requires using public transport.
-Face to face meetings should be avoided wherever possible. Use of telephone / video conferencing / email facilities will be encouraged.

Recognising symptoms
Government guidance on Covid-19 tells you the most significant symptoms to look out for:
-Persistent cough
-Difficulty in breathing

The Time Queen Co., Ltd. will ensure staff can spot these symptoms and know what to do.
In the Workplace

Luckily, The Time Queen Co., Ltd. staff are mostly working from home on a working day basis. If an employee feels ill with symptoms that match Covid-19, they should stop working and do the following:
Keep at least 2 metres (7 feet) away from other people, where possible on their own in a closed room, with the window open

Follow the personal hygiene guidance (cover coughs with tissues or sleeve and bin tissues) and avoid touching anything

Use their own mobile to inform their manager to say they are ill and are currently self-isolating at work
Update their manager on any advice given

Outside the Workplace
Similar advice applies. Employees should inform their manager and stay at home until they are fully recovered and their GP has confirmed they are no longer infectious.


Interns who develop symptoms whilst training should:
-Keep at least 2 metres (7 feet) away from other people, where possible on their own in a closed room, with the window open
-Follow the personal hygiene guidance (cover coughs with tissues or sleeve and bin tissues) and avoid touching anything
-Use their own mobile to inform their supervisor to say they are ill and are currently self-isolating at work
-Update their supervisor on any advice given

If symptoms develop when not training, Thai citizens please call 1422. Expats please call OIC DDC Hotline to get your answer at +66 (0) 96 847 8209 or +66 (0) 92 726 0474, from 08.00 – 20.00 Hrs. Thailand local time.

Entitlement to Sick Pay
Two days a month as general agreement, unless emergency and unavoidable. It would be reduced from annual leave instead.

Member of Household Infected
We have a duty of care to our workforce and staff and volunteers will be advised to remain at home in line with government guidance. However, we may wish to discuss the possibility of the employee working from home if they are well enough to do so. Under these circumstances, the employee will receive their full pay as if they had been working normally.

If employees are unable to work from home, you will need to consider, please contact HR.
School Closure or Other Childcare Issue

If your child becomes infected, the provisions in the previous section apply.

We recognise it may be difficult to arrange alternate care arrangements at this time. Talk to your manager, flexible arrangements that involve a blend of home working on reduced hours and child care can be agreed. To prevent hardship staff will receive their normal full pay.

Other Contractual Issues
Planned Annual Leave
If your holiday plans are disrupted by the crisis, you should inform your manager as soon as possible. We will consider sympathetically any request to postpone leave, subject to the need to maintain a service. Normal restrictions on carrying leave over from one year to the next will still apply.